6 Things You Need to Know Before Trying Whole30 - Welcome To UpdateLatest


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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

6 Things You Need to Know Before Trying Whole30

whole30 dinner
Between New Year's resolutions and the recently released U.S. News and World Report's Best Diets ranking, the Whole30 is getting lots of attention right now — but not all of it's positive.
U.S. News panelists slammed the eating plan as having: "No independent research. Nonsensical claims. Extreme. Restrictive." And even called it "the worst of the worst for healthy eating."
For those just tuning in, this diet skips sugar, alcohol, grains, legumes and dairy for 30 days. It permits meat, seafood, eggs, veggies, fruit, and "natural fats" like vegetable oils, coconut oil, and tree nuts.
Let's start with what I like about the Whole30. First, the name is no joke: The Whole30 really is an eating plan that emphasizes real food — not processed meals and snacks that regularly sneak into our diets. It also has built-in support system on social media. that encourages accountability.
That said, this plan is not only restrictive, but it's backed by zero scientific research to support its long-term efficacy and safety! Instead, it's based on pure conjecture, anecdotal "evidence," and generally inflammatory theories asking its followers to rely on sheer willpower and deprivation instead of forming smart, effective habits that stick.
While I know it's tempting to try the Whole30 for weight loss, it's not a solution for learning how to eat. It only tells you what to eat — and not for any solid scientific reason! Your best bet when it comes to achieving your health and weight-loss goals is to think about more rather than less: More veggies, fruit, plant-based protein, 100% whole grains, and seafood.
Remember: Anything that's extreme will be temporary by design and yield just as temporary results, which is no way to begin a healthier lifestyle. Finding what works for you, within the confines of your everyday life is a key indicator of the sustainability of any plan. I'd encourage anyone considering this extreme diet to look to the top of the U.S. News and World Report list, like the DASH diet or Mediterranean diet. Opt for a plan that encourages a better, more fulfilled lifestyle — not one that promotes impossible standards, restriction, and ultimately, shame.
I know being less-than-enthused by this trendy eating plan makes me unpopular, but hear me out! These are a few specific attributes of the Whole30 that give me pause and why — plus, better ideas to consider in their place.

1. Sodium and saturated fat are basically unlimited.

One horrifically grating thing about the Whole30 books: The authors claim that they're "not telling you what to eat" while literally telling you what you can and cannot eat. For example, "processed foods" are off limits, but lo and behold you can eat cured pork, otherwise known as BACON and SAUSAGE!
Many Whole30 recipes use bacon and coconut-based ingredients, making the plan high in both saturated fat and sodium, top nutrients of concern identified by the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. These nutrients (along with added sugar) have been linked to harmful health effects, including weight gain, and increased risk of chronic disease.
TRY THIS INSTEAD: Eat more lean protein instead of cured meats. Seafood, eggs, 100% whole grains, and legumes fill you up without a nutritional downside.

2. Good-for-you legumes are banished.

The Whole30 preaches that legumes contain "anti-nutrients," which is simply not true. It's well-established in nutrition science that legumes like beans, lentils, chickpeas, soybeans, and peanuts are hands-down the most nutritious foods you can possibly eat!
They're loaded with prebiotic fiber, which is linked to boosting immunity. The antioxidants and minerals in legumes also improve blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's, and cancer. Legumes are also nature's gift for weight loss. They're low in calories from fat, but higher in fiber, reducing the temptation to snack.
TRY THIS INSTEAD: If legumes make you feel bloated, you're either not used to eating them, or you're not drinking enough water! If you're not a regular chickpea-chomper, gradually introduce these foods into your diet, and sip more H2O.

3. Nutrient-packed dairy products are also no-gos.

Diets that include dairy products (about two cups per day) are linked to a lower risk of chronic disease and smaller waist circumference. Diets that emphasize dairy alternatives? Not so much. Despite the health halo worn by almond and coconut milk, nut- and seed-based substitutes don't even come close to their counterparts. They're lower in potassium and protein, higher in sodium, and don't provide the vitamins A and D that you'd get from fortified milk or unsweetened soy versions.
coconut milk
For weight loss, it's senseless that the Whole30 includes clarified butter (a high-fat, protein-less version) and nixes better-for-you low-fat Greek yogurt. Their rationale: Eliminating milk solids can help you detect an allergy to whey or casein, milk's predominant proteins. But an actual allergy would cause mouth and throat swelling, as well as hives and anaphylaxis. It's supremely unlikely to suddenly appear in adulthood, so consult a physician ASAP if you're truly concerned. Lactose intolerance, on the other hand, is the result of an enzyme deficiency that causes more nuanced discomfort, like gas and bloating.
TRY THIS INSTEAD: Don't cut healthy protein sources like unsweetened milk, yogurt, and part-skim cheeses. Just skip dairy products with added sugar, like milk-based bottled smoothies or sweetened yogurts. Those sneaky added calories can keep you from reaching your weight loss goals. If you suspect lactose might be the problem, a trial elimination diet of about two weeks could help.

4. This whole "sex with your pants on" philosophy is totally backwards.

The Whole30 refers to eating "unapproved" items made from "approved" items (e.g. grain-free, sugar-free pancakes) as "sex with your pants on." They warn against recreating favorite foods with paleo ingredients because you'll be tempted to eat the real thing.
While the analogy is pretty clever, coming up with delicious alternatives to satisfy a specific food craving (e.g. making pizza on a 100% whole-grain English muffin) is a smart way to strategize long-term weight loss through immediate action.
TRY THIS INSTEAD: When you're hankering for an indulgence, start by asking yourself if something else is making you want to nosh (stress, sadness, boredom, etc.). If the answer is yes, you've already resolved a craving by recognizing it's not about food at all. In that case, go for a walk, take a break or call a friend.
If not, determine if you're wanting a specific flavor: Guac versus a whole burrito, cheese versus pizza, chocolate versus brownie, etc. If your hankering is more about a flavor and less about a whole "throw-in-the-towel" meal, SWYPO is working for you, not against you! And when you just need a cupcake (I feel you!): Indulge, enjoy and move on.

5. We can all tolerate diet torture — but only temporarily.

We can all do the Whole30 for thirty days; it's not impossible. I only caution that restrictive diets "work" temporarily because they eventually end, and anything that's temporary by design often yields temporary results.
TRY THIS INSTEAD: Set daily goals that are specific to making you feel happier and healthier: Planning a nutritious, home-cooked dinner for your family, trying an in-season veggie from the farmer's market or packing your lunch for work. These are small but powerful changes without resorting to deprivation. Once you've mastered the daily goal, try setting a few (no more than three!) to up your weight-loss game.

6. Eating out on the plan becomes impossible.

For many of us, it's simply unrealistic to travel with a personal jar of coconut oil or dine out with friends and order a bunless, cheeseless, baconless burger.
If you really want to commit to the Whole30 lifestyle, no judgment here! My concern is that if this plan seems impractical for you, it's all too easy to buy into the idea that healthier eating is synonymous with restriction. What follows that mindset? The"Screw-it Diet," in which you make significantly unhealthier choices because "Screw it! Diets are hopeless, so I'll order the bacon cheeseburger — make it a double!"
TRY THIS INSTEAD: Prep ahead in ways that are reasonable for you: Bring snacks when traveling, read up on good-for-you meals at favorite restaurants (when in doubt: extra veggies, skip the fried stuff) and always plan what you'll eat when you do indulge.
No single cheeseburger, meal, or trip will make or break your health — nor will it affect the number on the scale. It's the habits we hang onto over time that help us to make better food choices, lose weight and live healthier lives.

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