3 Types Of Cancer You Can Cure With Carrot - Welcome To UpdateLatest


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Monday, April 30, 2018

3 Types Of Cancer You Can Cure With Carrot

Carrot juice has a particularly high content of β-carotene, a source of vitamin A, but it is also high in B complex vitamins like folate, and many minerals including calcium, copper, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and iron. A pound (454 g) of carrots will yield about a cup of juice (about 236 ml)[citation needed], which is a low yield compared to fruits like apples and oranges. However, carrot pulp is very tough; the main difficulty in juicing carrots is in separating the pulp from the juice.

Carrot juice has a uniquely sweet flavour of concentrated carrots. Unlike many juices, it is opaque. It is often consumed as a health drink.
Drinking carrot juice is one of the best ways to prevent cancer or fight cancer. According to the "Antioxidant Miracle," carrot juice provides powerful antioxidants that support health and the immune system. Eating raw or cooked carrots are great ways to obtain vitamins, minerals and even fiber, yet it would be difficult to consume enough carrots in your daily routine to meet your body’s cancer prevention needs. The juice from 1 lb. of raw carrots makes one glass of juice.

Carrots contain the cartenoid alpha carotene, beta-carotene and potent antioxidants. Recent studies published in the "Antioxidant Miracle," indicate that alpha carotene is a more potent cancer preventative and fighter than even beta-carotene. Carrots contain one of the few cartenoids with pro Vitamin A activity, which means that the body converts the beta-carotene into Vitamin A as needed. In addition, carrots contain calcium pectate, a source of soluble fiber, Vitamin B-complex, C, D, E and K, iron, calcium and phosphorous and manganese.
Several studies conducted on veggies and fruits suggest that the abundance of antioxidants in carrots could actually lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer. There is no dearth in the presence of antioxidants in carrots. These antioxidants impart innate anti-cancerous properties. Here is how carrots impact various types of cancer:
1. Lung Cancer:

A study conducted on smokers suggested that people who included carrots in their diet at least once a week were 33 percent less prone to lung cancer than non-carrot eaters.
2. Colon Cancer:

According to a study conducted on the Japanese, inclusion of beta-carotene rich carrot juice shielded people from colon cancer.
3. Prostate Cancer:

The study on prostate cancer, conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health’s Department of Nutrition points out that younger men who indulged in a beta-carotene rich diet were safeguarded from prostate cancer.

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