12 Disturbing Cancer Facts You Need to Know - Welcome To UpdateLatest


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Saturday, April 28, 2018

12 Disturbing Cancer Facts You Need to Know

Everyone heard about cancer but little of us know what does it exactly mean. Cancer is a possible threat to our family, our friends, and the loved ones of our families and friends. It does not discriminate, and it can happen at any time to anyone of any age, color, gender, or culture. These are the things that we do know about cancer. Now it’s time to learn some things that we maybe don’t know about cancer.
For one thing, did you know that there are actually more than 200 kinds of cancers, and some cancers (like those affecting the blood) do not actually form tumors? Cancer is actually a pretty interesting disease and one worth reading about, despite our bristling at the sound of its very name. On that note, here is a list comprised of 12 interesting facts about cancer.

1. There Exists an “Immortal” Cancer Cell.

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